Thank You For Signing Up! Download Your Files Here
Thank you for the interest in my “Ding Happens!” keynote presentation and book samples!
The links to the files are below. Just right-click and select “Save As…” to save to your machine (there’s currently no payment or sign-up necessary). Then listen on your computer or load to your favorite mobile device and listen to it while driving, walking, commuting, or working out!
If you like the keynote and think it would be a good fit for your conference or event, then contact me now to get started!
Some Additional Info
Before we get to the link (which is below), here are a few links and items to give you some more information about my speaking programs:
- Motivational Keynote Programs
- Testimonial from Past Clients
- My Demo Video:
Click Here to See More Video Clips
The Catch
The MP3 is free to download – no charge, no opt-in, no nothing! Just go to the link below, right-click, and select “Save As…” to save to your computer. You can then listen on your computer or load the MP3 onto your phone, tablet, MP3 player, or mobile device.
The MP3 is free, but there is one small catch…
If you like the keynote, and especially if you know anyone involved in planning a conference, meeting, or event, please send them the link to the sign up box on my home page!
I have even included some text you can copy and paste into an email:
Subject: A Terrific Speaker For Your Next Conference
Hello [NAME]!
I recently had the pleasure of hearing Avish Parashar’s “Ding Happens!” keynote. I think he would be a terrific speaker for your [NAME OF EVENT/ORG] event.
His program is funny, interactive, and filled with useful information. It’s a little hard to describe in words, so rather than trying, I am sending you a link to his home page. On that page (bottom right) you can sign up to receive a recording of one of his full keynote presentations:
There’s no cost or opt-in required. Even if you don’t end up using him as a speaker, you should listen to the keynote – I really enjoyed and think you will too!
Who Should Your Share This With?
Please share with anyone you think may be in a position to book or recommend speakers. Some contacts who typically do this are:
- VP or Director of Sales or Marketing
- VP or Director of Training, Learning and Development, or Human Resources
- Conference Speaker Chair
- Conference Chair
- Meeting Planners
- Association Executives
- Association Board Members
(The only thing you don’t have permission to do is sell the recording – either on its own or as part of another bundle)
Your Recording
Ding Happens! Keynote (36.7 MB MP3)
(right click and select “Save As…”)
- This was for government finance officers, but I customize the message for each group. I have spoken to a variety of groups, including caterers, bankers, court clerks, comptrollers, lawyers, pharmaceutical employees, financial planners, and more!
- This keynote is approximately 80 minutes, but my keynote presentations are scalable, and generally run anywhere from 45-90 minutes.
To book a high-energy, interactive, hilarious, and content filled keynote for your next event, contact me now!
Book Samples:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!