FSAE – Thank You!
Thanks so much for attending my opening keynote presentation for the FSAE 2014 Annual Conference! I hope you enjoyed “Ding Happens!” and that the conference as a whole was fun and productive for you.
As promised, I have provided a link to the How to Think Quick” MP3 at the bottom of this page. But first, I have three quick favors to ask of you:
1) Do You Know Anyone Who Could Use a Speaker Like Me?
Referrals are the lifeblood of my business. If you know anyone at all – whether it’s within your organization, at another association you know, or just a contact you have who uses speakers for conferences and events – I would love an intro.
I have created this handy How to Refer Avish Page that has advice, info on the types of people I work with, and email templates you can copy and paste to make the intro.
(NOTE: I would LOVE to do more SAE Conferences. Even if your organization doesn’t hold conferences, if you know people at other SAE groups around the country, or at the national level, I would love an intro…)
You can check out the page here:
2) Tweet This!
Are you on social media? Then I would appreciate you sharing your thoughts on my program with your followers.
For your convenience, I have pre-written some tweets/status updates for you. Click the “Tweet this!” link to automatically share to Twitter, or just copy and paste into Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+!
- Saw @avishp’s “Ding Happens!” keynote at #FSAE14. Hilarious and relevant! Check him out: http://goo.gl/ovwunm #innovation (Tweet this!)
- Planning an event and need a funny speaker on change and #innovation? You MUST check out @avishp: http://goo.gl/ovwunm #FSAE14 (Tweet this!)
- “Yes, but” blocks #innovation. Use “yes, and” to unleash creativity and collaboration! @avishp #FSAE14 http://goo.gl/ovwunm (Tweet this!)
- The “improviser’s mindset” to react to change: Use the power of fun, failure, and focus. @avishp #FSAE14 http://goo.gl/ovwunm (Tweet this!)
- To create change, take a bold step, analyze the results, adjust, then step again! #FSAE14 @avishp http://goo.gl/ovwunm (Tweet this!)
- Great funny keynote speaker for your next event: http://goo.gl/ovwunm #FSAE14 @avishp (Tweet this!)
(Note: Want to see what your fellow attendees were tweeting during the program? Check out my “Storify” compilation of the tweets here: FSAE 2014 Live Tweets)
3) Let’s Connect!
Are you on LinkedIn? If so, send me a connection request! (use email “avish@avishparashar.com”)
Your Download:
As promised (grab from other page)
Here is your downloadable MP3 (Note: Please download this to your computer soon, as I will not leave this page up forever!):
How to Think Quick MP3 – Download Page