Creativity Training Program for Business: Try Improv Comedy!
Have you ever felt like it would benefit your team, department, or organization to be more creative? If so, you may have considered a creativity training program for your business. What is Creativity Training? Creativity training is exactly what it sounds like: training your employees in a way that shows them how to access, develop, […]
Business Improv: Turning the Ridiculous into Relevance
“Business Improv.” Sounds a bit weird, right? Can ridiculous comedy techniques help your business? If you have ever seen an improv comedy show, the last thing on your mind was probably, “Hey, that looks like it would be really helpful to me and my business.” After all, a typical improv comedy show will often have […]
Solve an Interesting Problem
Do you want a simple (though not easy) way to innovate and create a competitive advantage, as an individual or organization? If so, the answer may lie in changing the type of problems you are trying to solve… I was listening to a podcast with Seth Godin and he said something that struck a chord […]
Innovative Thinking: Change Your Starting Point
Innovative thinking is a critical skill, not just for cutting-edge technology companies but also for any professional who wants to solve problems, be more efficient, and move forward in their career or organizations. It can also be a tremendous help in improving your person life. In this video, Avish explains (and demonstrates) how to improve […]
Problem Solving Techniques: Challenge Your Base Assumptions
One very powerful problem solving technique is to “challenge your base assumptions.” Problem solving and critical thinking are all built upon “base assumptions.” You can apply all the creativity in the world, but if you are starting off making the wrong assumptions then all the problem solving strategies in the world will be useless. In […]
Improve Problem Solving by Avoiding “Binary Thinking”
Avoiding binary thinking is the key to being a better problem solver. In this video, Avish explains what “binary thinking” is and how avoiding it is one of the strongest creativity and problem solving techniques you can use (Transcription below). Does Your Team, Organization, or Association Need Help Breaking Out of Binary Thinking? If so, one […]
Increasing Innovation with Improv Comedy – Reverse the Creative Process
Being effective at improvisation isn’t just about accessing creativity. It’s also very much about applying a different creative process than most people are used to. Here is an improv comedy game that demonstrates this idea (I’ll explain how below): The standard creative process seems to be to start with a problem and then “think” of […]
Thought Leadership – Organize and Monetize Your Creativity and Innovation (Interview with Neen James)
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Neen James, an international productivity and Thought Leadership expert. On my blog and in my presentations I talk a lot about tapping into your creativity and using that creativity to be more innovative. Neen is an expert on helping people organize and monetize those great ideas your creativity […]
Innovation Technique: Throw it All Away, Make it Earn Its Way Back (Guest Post by Thom Singer)
One of the biggest barriers to using innovation to take your business or career to the next level is the current success you are enjoying. If you try to innovate by clinging to what you are already doing, you begin the creative process already limiting yourself. You are far better off throwing it all away! […]
Innovation Lesson from Pixar: Stop “Planning Derivative Work”
I love Pixar. Let me be clear; I don’t just love Pixar movies (though Toy Story, Toy Story 2, and The Incredibles are amongst my favorite movies). I love Pixar the Company. I have read and watched quite a few books, articles, and documentaries about Pixar, and their story and methodology never ceases to amaze […]
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