Quick Thinking – The #1 Mistake People Make When Trying to Think on Their Feet
Do you ever feel like you get stuck when you are put on the spot and need to think on your feet? This video will show you the #1 mistake I see people make when trying to think quickly. (Transcription below) Transcription Have you ever been put on the spot and suddenly you couldn’t eh… […]
What Does Improv Comedy Have to Do With Business? [VIDEO]
As a “motivational improviser” (part motivational speaker, part improv comedian) I use improv comedy to teach valuable business skills. On the surface, it may be confusing how the two are related. In this video, I explains how the skills of improv comedy can help you think quickly, adapt to change, and innovate. If you’d like […]
Quick Thinking: “You Can’t Sneak Up on a Mirror”
One idea I have been talking about for years is the concept that, “you can’t sneak up on a mirror.” This an idea that helped me get better at martial arts and improv, and is a cornerstone in developing the mentality of quick thinking and creativity, For more info on this concept, check out this […]
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