How to Do More with Less: Rethink How You Respond
(Image by Alan Cleaver) I have posted a new article on LinkedIn: How to Do More with Less: Rethink How You Respond As you might guess, the article is about doing more with less 🙂 Here’s a hint: it’s not necessarily about getting faster… You can read the article here: How to Do More with Less: Rethink […]
The Respond Matrix: The Critical Importance of Responding Well
You may have heard of the phrase, “It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you respond to it.” I agree with that statement, but you may not realize just how true and powerful that is. How you respond affects every area of your life: personally, professionally, and even organizationally. You can plan all you […]
Get Your “Plan Your Response” Worksheet – Free!
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. – Viktor Frankl Have you have ever set goals, made resolutions, or put together plans to achieve “success” in any arena, only to see those goals remain unrealized […]
How Will You Respond in 2016?
It’s almost the end of 2015! That means it’s time to start planning out your goals for 2016. Goal planning/setting is great, but it’s not enough. After you create your action plans, you need to take it one step further and create your Response Plans. (Note: Keep reading to the end to get your free […]
The “Jaws” Response: Turn Your Constraints Into Your Biggest Successes
I’ve published a new article onLinkedIn. It’s all about how, when you look at the constraints in your life and business in a new way, you can open up creativity and opportunities you never would have otherwise. Plus, it’s about the movie Jaws, which is always a good thing… You can read it here: The “Jaws” […]
6 Ways to Respond to Change in 2016
Here is my way out-on-a-limb, super-bold prediction for 2016: Things will change, surprises will occur and a few things (if not many things) will not go as planned. Basically, Ding Will Happen. Change is inevitable, and yet, even though we should be expecting it, it still often throws us for a mighty loop. But it […]
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