TEDx Talk Lesson: The Power of Clarity
In 2015, I was invited to do a TEDx Talk for TEDx Boca Raton. This was very exciting, as I was a fan of TED Talks and TEDx Talks. I’d always wanted to do one. This was a great opportunity as well, because as the organizer told me, when a TEDx Talk is very successful […]
Quick Thinking – The #1 Mistake People Make When Trying to Think on Their Feet
Do you ever feel like you get stuck when you are put on the spot and need to think on your feet? This video will show you the #1 mistake I see people make when trying to think quickly. (Transcription below) Transcription Have you ever been put on the spot and suddenly you couldn’t eh… […]
The Respond Matrix: The Critical Importance of Responding Well
You may have heard of the phrase, “It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you respond to it.” I agree with that statement, but you may not realize just how true and powerful that is. How you respond affects every area of your life: personally, professionally, and even organizationally. You can plan all you […]
How to Deal With Difficult People – Respond with the 4 D’s
(Photo by Guyon Morée) Do you ever deal with difficult people? Of course! We all do. It’s just the way life works. However, complaining about the difficult person or wishing they weren’t there is silly because difficult people will always show up. Rather than wasting time complaining, we need to focus on our response. The […]
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